Finally! The ISP and Tripod have syncronized their cooperation with my computer! Huzzah! I added a couple links, updated
my thoughts on current events, and took off a couple pages. I just wish I could get my room like this-- complete!
Yeah, well, a lot has been happening lately. Bought a new billy earlier, and then we found out he's got two of the same
granddaddies as the Texas billy we bought. Changed boyfriends again, had a litter of puppies, lost a litter of puppies, heard
the new band director announcement, finally got my Arts Adventure form mailed off..... hmm is that all? It must be for now....
Sorry it's been so long. Tripod and my computer haven't been meshing lately. So much has happened, if you're out of the
loop, that's just tough, I'm not going to go into it. I just realized how much my tastes have changed- I had to update my
Favorites page, add a few rock/pop songs, take off some old country, take out some old books.
Ready for another round of Get-The-Bass-Player-Eligible-For-Contest? Too bad.
School's finally out! Summer's kinda... wet, though. Oh well. Tater's happy for the rain, or at least should be.......
Dallas... how do I describe it? Let's start with disappointing. Then we can move on to all the fun we had at contest!!
**eye roll** So much for the romantic staircase idea.......
Waaahhh!!! The Moores are leaving! How can she do this to us??? Here we are... reigning State Champs.... and she leaves
us! For Verdigris, none the less! Die, Verdigris, death to you all, and your jazz band especially!
My room is finally mostly my own. Linda moved out in '96, but it's only a couple days ago that her stuff left!
14 Days of school left, 5 months 9 days til my B-Day, 5 Days til Dallas!!!!!!!
Weeeeeeeee are the championssssssssss my frienddddddddddddd!!!!!!! We did it! Our plaque doesn't say 'State Champs' but
we are, oh, we are!
Rain and cold in May is bad. :P
Updated again to make sure the music on the front page worked. Boogie, Boots!!! Ha ha ha. If you see Boots make sure
and tell him that from me ;)
State Jazz contest next Tuesday. Are we ready???????
Yay- first two goats sold! The man took a bred nanny and a yearling, maybe he'll be back for a show goat or two! :D I
keep wishin......
Well, it's been almost a month since I updated, sorry. Not a whole lot going on. Yeah, DC was awesome. Happy grams! Lol.
New York sucked, IMHO, but that's just me. Maybe I didn't give it enough time to soak in so I could fully appreciate it.
Band contest last Friday. We win!!!!!
1st place 2A Band
1st place Combo
2nd place Combo
Outstanding Soloist
Outstanding Band Director
Outstanding Band...... which means we got to play at the concert that night! Yay for us!
But, depending on our bass player (I don't claim him now) and a few other key players,
we may not get to go to State. STATE. The whole enchilada... within our grasp legally and officially this year! STATE! Grrr
I hate you all!
Easter weekend. Well, Easter tomorrow, if you want to be technical. Yeah, just found out this morning tomorrow's plans.
Oh well. Rain sucks :P
We leave for Washington DC in less that 48 hours. Argh. At least it's a looooooooooooooong bus ride with two of my best
friends. :D So, that means no new updates for at least next week, maybe (probably) even longer! TTFN
Trust is a delicate object, hard to get but really really easy to lose. That's my two cents for the day.
It feels like summer! Really good horse-ridin weather!
Green Country Jazz went ok. We were short several people, but that's the way it goes, if they can't keep up on their
grades, they stay home.
My cousin is still an idiot. This time for ten days.
Friends are all that my life is about... without friends I could not survive. It's just too bad that some people don't
realize that.......
Some people can't get their act together long enough to pass their classes, so we're not headed to SWOSU Friday. :( Hopefully,
the seniors will beat enough idiots up so they will get eligible so we can go to Green Country Jazz March 1st.
My cousin made another FCA out of himself- he is one of those ineligible.
About time February got here! Really really cold. Let's see... V-Day on the 14th, Jiffy'll prolly want me to help,
I dunno, maybe not. SWOSU jazz contest the day before that, the 13th.
Well my cousin managed to make a first class a** of himself. Talk about mirrors! I mean, I can totally relate to every....
single.... move... he made.... Oh well.
Had the strangest dream last night- a bunch of cheerleaders and football players made a marching band.... ugh, creepy.
New Year finally here! Wow. Now then, that's over..... ;) Boys suck. It's really cold and boys suck. We've only been
playing concert band and boys suck. Oh yeah, did I mention boys suck??
Broke my heart. It's an old and overused cliche, but that's how it happened. I trusted him and he let me down. Broke
my heart.
Just a test to see if it will work!!!
This weather is really annoying. I never know whether to take my jacket outside with me to lunch or not... today I paid
for it! One of my friends wrecked Saturday, and that's not cool. I hope he's back to school soon. I'm thinkin Verdigris is
the 19th. We had no school yesterday... I helped preg-check cows. Fun.
Well, October's almost over, football season is almost over... marching band IS over thank goodness!!!!! Verdigris Jazz
Festival is December 18 or 19th or something like that, I don't remember... We got concert band music ummm Monday I think.
Gosh it's hard but maybe that's just because Justin wasn't there. Sorry, I'm getting off the subject.
There are some people who don't hate me and admit it.
There are some people who don't hate me and won't admit it.
There are some people who hate me and admit it.
There are some people who hate me and won't admit it.
I finally got my Grand and Reserve plaques for my goats from the fair. That brings my total up to five... Electrification
Judging, Crop Judging, Showmanship and those two. There's been a lot of new goats brought in, and a bunch of them are registered.
Yay. Maybe this goat thing will still be living when I finally get to take it over.