I have an online journal, but since some of the stuff in it would offend some people, I limit who I tell the address
What I Believe
--There is a God
--God is everywhere, in the pastures, in your house, in church, even in school, whether or not people want him
--You should not divorce, except in extreme unforseen conditions
--You should not cuss when you don't have to
--Beer stinks, physically. I'm sorry, but I can't understand why someone would want to drink ROTTING WHEAT
--You should respect something else, even if it's just a horse or your dad or someone else's dad. Respect SOMEthing
--Mean what you say and say what you mean
--Don't lead people on
--The world is falling apart because few people live by the Code anymore
There are some UNFORGIVABLE SINS.....
Stealing someone's hat
Cheating at cards Stealing someone else's girl or guy
(Especially your best friend's guy or girl)
Breaking your word
Stealing cattle
Changing the radio station
Breaking someone's heart
Failing classes, therefore letting people down
My Opinions on Current Events
DATA... the ONE campaign... Heifer International... all different organizations trying to solve the world's problems-
specificially Africa. I used to be rather NIMBY about the whole deal... "Hey, they got themselves into this AIDS mess, they
can figure a way out." And the youth group I had just gotten involved with was gonna collect money and make t-shirts and support
DATA. A lot of the Christian bands I listen to support DATA. WinterJam '05 (a concert tour that I got to see in Norman) was
collecting money for WorldVision, who does pretty much the same sorta stuff as DATA, and who is also a partner of the ONE
campaign. At first, when the youth pastor was talking about it, I was thinking, "Well, this is one project they're gonna have
to do without me." But after a couple weeks of studying the New Testament, mostly the book of Acts, I began to think... Is
this what God wants us all to do? Is helping Africa really our responsibility, as free Americans?
I'm not sayin I'm gonna sell the family farm and move to Africa, to "share their pain" like some zealots might, but I
think helping the world won't be a BAD thing... If not me, who?